Die Rolle von Absatzprognosen in der Verbrauchsgüterindustrie
09. May 2024
The Role of Sales Forecasts in the Consumer Goods Industry
Efficient Supply Chain Management

Die Verbrauchsgüterindustrie steht vor ständigen Veränderungen und Herausforderungen, die eine präzise Planung und strategische Entscheidungen erfordern. In diesem Kontext gewinnen Absatzprognosen in der Verbrauchsgüterindustrie eine zentrale Bedeutung, da sie Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, ihre Supply Chain effizienter zu gestalten und den Anforderungen des Marktes gerecht zu werden.

Warum sind präzise Absatzprognosen und Nachfrageprognosen für die Verbrauchsgüterindustrie unverzichtbar?

In the consumer goods industry, sales forecasts play a vital role in creating efficient business plans and making strategic decisions. With the constant changes and challenges in the marketplace, accurate sales forecasts are critical. They help companies to use their resources more effectively, optimise their supply chains and adapt to the demands of a dynamic market environment.

One of the main functions of sales forecasting is to predict future demand for products. This enables consumer goods companies to accurately plan their operations and optimise their business processes. Here are some key reasons why accurate sales forecasting is so important:

Effiziente Nutzung von Ressourcen durch präzise Absatzprognosen

Durch genaue Absatzprognosen können Produktionsunternehmen ihre Produktionspläne besser abstimmen und ihre Ressourcen effizienter einsetzen. Dies minimiert Überproduktion und reduziert den Lagerbestand.

Optimierung des Bestandsmanagements durch Nachfrageprognosen

Absatzprognosen ermöglichen es Einzelhandelsunternehmen, ihren Lagerbestand zu optimieren. Dies hilft, Kosten zu senken, während gleichzeitig sichergestellt wird, dass die Produkte immer verfügbar sind.

Zielgerichtete Vertriebsstrategien durch genaue Nachfragevorhersagen

Präzise Absatzprognosen ermöglichen es Unternehmen, ihre Vertriebsstrategien besser zu gestalten. Sie können Marketingkampagnengezielter planen, um die Nachfrage zu steigern, wenn die Chancen auf erhöhtenAbsatz am größten sind.

Verbesserung der Lieferkettenplanung durch präzise Vorhersagen

Die Fähigkeit, die Nachfrage genau vorherzusagen, ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Lieferkettenbesser zu planen. Dies minimiert Verzögerungen und sorgt für einen reibungslosen Ablauf der Warenbewegungen.

Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit durch effektives Bestandsmanagement

By avoiding supply bottlenecks and ensuring sufficient stock levels, companies can ensure that customers always receive the products they want.

Anpassung an Markttrends und saisonale Veränderungen durch präzise Prognosen

Die Verbrauchsgüterbranche ist oft von saisonalen Trends und anderen externen Faktoren betroffen. Genaue Absatzprognosen helfen Unternehmen, sich auf Veränderungen einzustellen und schnell auf neue Marktentwicklungen zu reagieren.

Kostenoptimierung durch präzise Absatz- und Nachfrageprognosen

Durch präzise Absatzprognosen können Unternehmen Kosten senken, da Überproduktion und unnötige Lagerbestände vermieden werden. Dies trägt zur finanziellen Effizienz bei.

Herausforderungen bei der Erstellung präziser Absatzprognosen und mögliche Lösungen

The consumer goods industry faces a number of challenges that make it difficult to forecast sales accurately. One of these challenges is seasonal fluctuations and trends that can influence demand for products. These patterns can change throughout the year and are often difficult to predict. Unpredictable external factors such as political events, weather conditions or social changes can also influence demand and make forecasting more difficult. These uncertainties make it difficult for companies to create precise sales forecasts.


Another challenge arises from the complex supply chains in the global economy. Delays or disruptions in the supply chain can mean that products are not available on time, making it even more difficult to predict demand. In addition, companies in the consumer goods industry often offer a wide range of products, each with different demand patterns. This diversity of products makes it difficult to create consistent forecasts for the entire range.


To overcome these challenges, companies rely on various approaches. Modern data analysis techniques play an important role in identifying seasonal patterns and trends in sales data. By integrating external data sources such as weather data, social media or economic indicators, unpredictable factors can be better taken into account. Real-time data enables companies to react flexibly to changes in the supply chain and avoid bottlenecks.


Segmenting the forecasts by product or product group helps to map and predict the diversity of demand patterns more accurately. Machine learning also comes into play here, as it can identify complex patterns and correlations in the data. In addition, regular comparisons between the forecasts and actual sales figures are important in order to continuously improve the model.

Overall, the consumer goods industry requires a flexible and data-driven approach to sales forecasting. The integration of modern technology and data analytics can help increase the accuracy of forecasts and better prepare companies for the challenges of this dynamic industry.

Die Rolle von Machine Learning bei der Verbesserung von Absatzprognosen

Machine learning is playing a central role in revolutionising sales forecasting, particularly in the consumer goods industry. It is a sophisticated technology that can identify complex patterns and correlations in large amounts of sales data to make accurate predictions about future demand.


In the context of sales forecasting, machine learning not only analyses historical sales data, but also takes into account seasonal trends, external influences and product characteristics. Unlike traditional forecasting methods, which are based on predefined rules, a machine learning model learns the patterns and relationships in the data on its own. Different types of machine learning models are used in both sales forecasting:


Time series analysis: 

These models focus on changes and trends in the data over time. They can identify seasonal patterns, weekday effects and long-term trends.



Regression models analyse the relationship between different factors and sales demand. They take into account different influencing variables such as prices, promotions and seasonal changes.


Neural Networks: 

These sophisticated models belong to the category of deep learning and are able to identify complex, non-linear relationships in the data.


Ensemble methods: 

These models combine multiple predictive models to produce more accurate and reliable forecasts. A well-known example is the Random Forest, which consists of a large number of decision trees.


Die Vorteile von Machine Learning in der Absatzprognose sind vielfältig:

First, the technology can detect subtle patterns that are often difficult for human analysts to see. Second, the models dynamically adapt to changes in the data, which is particularly important when market conditions change. Third, sales forecasts based on machine learning are often more accurate than traditional methods. Fourth, the technology automates the forecasting process, saving time and resources and enabling continuous updating of forecasts.


Finally, machine learning models can also use real-time data to incorporate current information into the forecast and react more quickly to changes.Integrating machine learning into sales forecasting processes enables companies to make accurate predictions, make their business strategies more effective and optimise resources.This helps to increase profitability, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Fazit: Die entscheidende Rolle von Absatzprognosen in der Verbrauchsgüterindustrie

In the consumer goods industry, the ability to accurately forecast demand is critical. Sales forecasting enables companies to make their supply chain more efficient, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction and better adapt to the dynamic market landscape. Integrating advanced technologies such as machine learning into the sales forecasting process can provide companies with a valuable competitive advantage, enabling them to respond quickly and intelligently to changing market conditions.

If you have any questions about the top retail trends, please do not hesitate to contact us.We can help you implement them or recommend a suitable partner.

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